Employment Portfolio Unit:

Project Description

The lessons in this unit will consist of activities that teach the student how to write a portfolio for a student organization or for a future job.

The areas are:

* Job Applications
* Resumes
*Job Interviews


Understand the scope of career opportunities and know the requirements for education, training, and licensure. 

Know the main strategies for self-promotion in the hiring process, such as job applications, résumé writing, interviewing skills, and portfolio preparation.

Understand the past, present, and future trends that affect careers, such as technological developments and societal trends, and the resulting need for lifelong learning. 

Develop a career plan that is designed to reflect career interests, pathways, and postsecondary options.

Know the personal qualifications, interests, aptitudes, knowledge, and skills necessary to succeed in a career.

Demonstration and Application:
Understand the use of technological resources to access, manipulate, and produce information, products, and services. 

Know key strategies for self-promotion in the hiring process, such as job applications, résumé writing, interviewing skills, and portfolio preparation.

Know the personal qualifications, interests, aptitudes, information, and skills necessary to succeed in careers. Understand the past, present, and future trends that affect careers, such as technological developments and societal trends, and the resulting need for lifelong learning.

Understand the scope of career opportunities and know the requirements for education, training, and licensure. 

Demonstration and Application:
Understand the scope of career opportunities and know the requirements for education, training, and licensure. 

Know key strategies for self-promotion in the hiring process, such as job applications, résumé writing, interviewing skills, and portfolio preparation.

Know the personal qualifications, interests, aptitudes, knowledge, and skills necessary to succeed in careers.

Know key strategies for self-promotion in the hiring process, such as job applications, résumé writing, interviewing skills, and portfolio preparation.

Know the personal qualifications, interests, aptitudes, knowledge, and skills necessary to succeed in careers.

Demonstration and Application:
Understand the importance of time management to fulfill responsibilities. 

Understand the need to adapt to varied roles and responsibilities. 

Understand the importance of accountability and responsibility in fulfilling personal, community, and workplace roles. 

Understand the qualities and behaviors that constitute a positive and professional work demeanor. 

Understand past, present, and future technological advances as they relate to a chosen pathway. 

Understand the use of technological resources to access, manipulate, and produce information, products, and services. 

Understand the characteristics and benefits of teamwork, leadership, and citizenship in the school, community, and workplace settings. 

Understand how to organize and structure work individually and in teams for effective performance and attainment of goals. 

Understand the ways in which pre-professional associations, such as the Future Farmers of America (FFA), and competitive career development activities enhance academic skills, promote career choices, and contribute to employability. 

Understand the role of personal integrity and ethical behavior in the workplace. 


Use critical thinking skills to make informed decisions and solve problems.

Apply appropriate problem-solving strategies and critical thinking skills to work-related issues and tasks.

Know policies, procedures, and regulations regarding health and safety in the workplace, including employers’ and employees’ responsibilities.

Develop a career plan that is designed to reflect career interests, pathways, and postsecondary options.

Know the personal qualifications, interests, aptitudes, information, and skills necessary to succeed in careers.

Understand the scope of career opportunities and know the requirements for education, training, and licensure. 

Demonstration and Application: 
Understand the characteristics and benefits of teamwork, leadership, and citizenship in the school, community, and workplace settings. 

Understand how to organize and structure work individually and in teams for effective performance and attainment of goals. 

Know key strategies for self-promotion in the hiring process, such as job applications, résumé writing, interviewing skills, and portfolio preparation.

Apply appropriate interviewing techniques that prepare and ask relevant questions.

Apply appropriate interviewing techniques use language that conveys maturity, sensitivity, and respect.

Apply appropriate interviewing techniques that make notes of responses.

Analyze the structure and format of functional workplace documents, including the graphics and headers, and explain how authors use the features to achieve their purposes.

Write job applications and resumés that provide clear and purposeful information and address the intended audience appropriately.
